Well, Canada Express Entry is the most sought-after program that was introduced way back in January 2015 to simplify the tedious immigration system. The main idea behind this program was to entice the interest of the skilled workers who wish to work and earn their living in the maple country on a permanent basis.

This program allows the employers to find the skilled foreign workers from all across the globe by assessing their skills and expertise via a point-based system called the Comprehensive Ranking System. It is a point-based system that determines the eligibility of the aspiring immigrant.
It uses a simple yet efficient method to rank the applicants and consider the fact that how deserving they’re to receive an Invitation to apply for the permanent residence.
The Canada Express Entry Points Calculator is a primary tool that’s used to evaluate the CRS scores of a deserving candidate. It’s always suggested to have a high score because the candidates with a high score are more likely to receive an ITA to apply for PR. On the other hand, if you’ve low CRS scores, no need to worry, as there’s always a way. All you can do is follow some of the tips such as Gaining more work experience, scoring high in the IELTS and many more.

Now, let’s understand more about How the CRS Calculator Works in 2020
This calculator evaluates your profile on the basis of two distinct segments such as Core and Additional Factors. Each of these segment is worth 600 points. All you need to do is score minimum scores, if you want to receive an ITA for the PR.
Note: There is no fixed cut-off set by the Government. For this, draws are held fortnight under which a CRS cut-off is released. Higher scores mean higher are the chances to get an ITA.
Have a Look at the points given below for better understanding.
Human/Core Capital Factors
This segment consists of 500 points, that’re evaluated on the basis of certain parameters such as:
It can help you earn 110 points if you’re without your spouse. On the other hand it can help you get 100 scores if you’ve included your spouse along with you.
Educational Qualification
Education can help you earn a maximum of 150 points (exclusive of spouse). On the other hand, it can give you a score of 140 (inclusive of spouse).
Language Dexterity
Being proficient in language, be it English or French can help you get 160 points (exclusive of spouse) and 150 (inclusive of spouse)
Relevant Canadian Work Experience
If you’ve a Canadian Work Experience, you can get a maximum of 80 points without including your spouse. On the other hand, if you’re including your spouse along, you can get 70 scores.
Spouse of Common Law Partner Factors
This factor can give you 40 pointers, such as 10 for the educational level of your spouse, 20 for the proficiency in language and 10 for the relevant work experience in Canada.
Skills Transferability Factors
It can help you get maximum 100 pointers. It includes education, work experience, a trade certificate (if any). So, let’s understand the above factors with the help of an equation given below,
i.e. A + B + C = 600 Points
Additional Factors
It is a set of certain factors that can help you achieve a higher score of 600. The factors depending upon which you’re given bonus points are: provincial nomination can give a major hike of 600 to your CRS points, having a valid job offer can give you 200 pointers and many more.
Final Words
Now, you must be well aware about how the entire system works in 2020. So, why wait, when you can live the best days of your life in the maple country without any hitch.
Make a smart move and get ready to fly to Canada as early as possible. Good Luck!